2nd HOFC Tubertini Doubles League Match 2020 again won by Jonathan & Etienne.
Well Done to all that took part in this morning's second HOFC Pesca Tubertini Malta R18 Doubles League 2020. It was a very challenging match with not that many bites. But never the less all the anglers done there best to try and achive as many important points possible.
Well done to Ellevi Boy Jonathan Farrugia & Extreme Fishng Etienne Fiona Bugeja placing in firts place once again this weekend in second place Josef Cassar & Gabriel Sampei & 3rd Place Paul Sammut and Niccu Pizz John both teams powered by Tubertini. Section Wins : Alexander Spiteri & Carmel Spiteri ,Noel Baldacchino & Ismael Psaila , Gianluca Cardona & Brady Sammut . Well done to the rest of the tceam. Raffle Winners sponsored by Tubertini Malta Pesca prizes won by Michael Godfrey & Carmel Spiteri. .
Big thanks goes to Keevla Malta , Elaine Hair , @Proserv Safety Consultants Malta & Tubertini Malta for sponsoring this League. #oneteam , #onebigfamily , #wearehofc. It was good to meet our new members that took the time to come and visit . Gary Pace Nathal Grech Dunstan Mangion including the usual supporter Anthony Attard. Thanks to the marshalls on thce day that ensured everything went well on the day Ninu Zhara & Joe Buttigieg
Peter Paul Azzopardi & Adrian Nelson Ismael Psaila & Justin Spiteri